EditBox - onChange


EditBoxCalled when the users commits text within the EditBox.


Sample Ribbon XML file:

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="MyTab" label="Sample EditBox">
                <group id="MyGroup" label="Sample EditBox">
                    <labelControl id="myLabel1" label="Sample:" />
                    <labelControl id="myLabel2" label="Editbox" />
                    <editBox id="MyEditBox" label="My EditBox: " 

Function to be copied to a standard module:

Sub MyEditBoxCallbackOnChange(control As IRibbonControl, _
                              strText As String)
    ' Callback onChange
    Select Case control.ID
        Case "MyEditBox"
                MsgBox "Value Editbox: " & _
                       strText, vbInformation, "Sample EditBox"
    End Select
End Sub

You can find this sample in Sample DB 2


