Backstage View - group - getShowLabel


Sets a value that specifies whether to display the control label or not.

Sample Ribbon XML file:

<customUI xmlns="">
   <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
      <!-- Ribbon XML -->
    <tab  id="btab1" label="Label 1. Tab">
        <taskGroup id="MytskGroup1" label="Label taskGroup 1. Column" helperText="Helpertext for 1. Column"/>
         <group id="myGroup21" label="Label 1. Group" getHelperText="GetHelperTextG"getShowLabel="GetShowLabelG" style="normal"/>
         <group id="myGroup22" label="Label 2. Group" getHelperText="GetHelperTextG"getShowLabel="GetShowLabelG" style="warning"/>
         <group id="myGroup23" label="Label 3. Group" getHelperText="GetHelperTextG"getShowLabel="GetShowLabelG" style="error"/>

Function to be copied to a standard module:

Sub GetShowLabelG(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef showLabel)
    Select Case control.Id
        Case Else
            showLabel = False
    End Select
End Sub

You can find this sample in download: BackstageView 1
