You are here: Button - getShowImage
Button - getShowImage
Sets a value that specifies whether to display the control image or not.
(Cannot be used in connection with the callback getLabel)
Sample Ribbon XML file:
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="CallbackOnLoad"> <ribbon startFromScratch="false"> <tabs> <tab id="MyTab" label="Button Demo"> <group id="MyGroup" label="Button Demo"> <button id="MyBtn1" getSize="CallbackGetSize" label="Button 1" imageMso="BevelShapeGallery" getKeytip="CallbackGetKeytip" onAction="MyButtonCallbackOnAction" getShowLabel="MyButtonCallbackShowLabel" getShowImage="MyButtonCallbackShowImage" getScreentip="CallbackAllgGetItemScreentip" getSupertip="CallbackAllgGetItemSupertip"/> <button id="MyBtn2" getSize="CallbackGetSize" getLabel="CallbackGetLabel" imageMso="BevelShapeGallery" getKeytip="CallbackGetKeytip" onAction="MyButtonCallbackOnAction"/> </group> </tab> </tabs> </ribbon> </customUI>
Function to be copied to a standard module:
Sub MyButtonCallbackShowImage(control As IRibbonControl, _ ByRef showImage) ' Callback showImage Select Case control.ID Case "MyBtn1" showImage = 0 End Select End Sub
You can find this sample in Sample DB 2