Ribbon Attributes
List of Attributes used by Ribbon Controls:
Attribute |
Content |
Description |
Applies To |
Office Version |
"topLeft", "top", "topRight", "left", "center, "right", "bottomLeft", "bottom" or "bottomRight" |
Attributes that specify a control's alignment |
layoutContainer |
O2010 |
"topLeft", "top", "topRight", "left", "center, "right", "bottomLeft", "bottom" or "bottomRight" |
Attributes that specify a control's alignment |
hyperlink, radioGroup |
O2010 |
"largeMediumSmall", "largeMedium", "large", "mediumSmall", "medium", "small" |
Specifies the allowed sizes of task controls in taskGroups or taskFormGroups. |
taskGroup, taskFormGroup, taskGroup |
O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Specifies whether the group should automatically scale its contents. |
group |
O2010 |
"horizontal" or "vertical" |
Horizontal or vertical grouping of boxed control. |
box |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Specifies whether the group's contents should be vertically centered. |
group |
O2010 |
Integer |
Number of columns in a gallery. |
gallery |
O2007, O2010 |
Integer |
Specifies the division of the Backstage - tab's columns, as a percentage of the width of the entire Backstage - tab. |
Backstage - tab |
O2010 |
String |
Defines the control description. |
button, splitButton, Toggle Button, checkBox, gallery, menu, dynamicMenu, task |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Defines whether the control is enabled or disabled. |
label, button, splitButton, Toggle Button, checkBox, editBox, comboBox, dropDown, gallery, menu, dynamicMenu, command, task, imageControl, hyperlink, radioGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
"horizontal", "vertical", "both" or "neither" |
Specifies the directions in which the layoutContainer will expand to fill its parent container |
layoutContainer, hyperlink, radioGroup, groupBox |
O2010 |
Integer |
Specifies the maximun width of the Backstage - tab's first column in pixels. |
Backstage - tab |
O2010 |
Integer |
Specifies the minimum width of the Backstage - tab's first column in pixels. |
Backstage - tab |
O2010 |
String |
Extendet Text for a Backstage - group. |
taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, taskGroup |
O2010 |
String |
User defined, unique control ID. Cannot be combined with idMso or idQ. |
tab, group, box, button, buttonGroup, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, menuSeparator, separator, splitButton, toggleButton, Backstage - tab, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, category, task, layoutContainer, imageControl, hyperlink, radioGroup, radioButton, groupBox, form, taskGroup |
2007, O2010 |
Control ID |
Control ID of a built-in control. Cannot be combined with ID or idQ. |
tab, group, button, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, splitButton, toggleButton, category, taskFormGroup, task, Backstage - group, layoutContainer, imageControl, hyperlink, radioGroup, taskGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
Qualified ID |
Qualified control ID, prefixed with a namespace identifier |
tab, group, box, button, buttonGroup, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, menuSeparator, separator, toggleButton, category, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, layoutContainer, imageControl, hyperlink, radioGroup, groupBox, taskGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Defines the picture for a control. Use in connection with callback function loadImage. |
button, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, group, menu, splitButton, toggleButton, task, imageControl, hyperlink |
O2007, O2010 |
Control ID |
ID of a build in Ribbon Control. |
button, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, group, menu, toggleButton, task, imageControl, hyperlink |
O2007, O2010 |
Control ID |
Insert control after ID of an Access Ribbon. |
tab, group, box, button, buttonGroup, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, menuSeparator, separator, splitButton, toggleButton, Backstage - tab, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, task, taskGroup, category |
O2007, O2010 |
Qualified ID |
Specifies the identifier of a qualified control after which to position this control |
tab, group, box, button, buttonGroup, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, menuSeparator, separator, splitButton, toggleButton, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, task, taskGroup, category |
O2007, O2010 |
Control ID |
Insert control before ID of an Access Ribbon. |
tab, group, box, button, buttonGroup, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, menuSeparator, separator, splitButton, toggleButton, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, task, taskGroup, category |
O2007, O2010 |
Qualified ID |
Specifies the identifier of a qualified control before which to position this control |
tab, group, box, button, buttonGroup, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, lableControl, menu, menuSeparator, separator, splitButton, toggleButton, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, task, taskGroup, category |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Specifies whether to call callbacks to get dynamic content every time the control is dropped. |
comboBox, dynamicMenu, gallery |
O2007 (dynamicMenu), O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Specifies whether an action should close the Backstage when it is invoked (isDefinitive="true") |
Backstage: Button, task |
O2010 |
Integer |
Height of a gallery entry. |
gallery |
O2007, O2010 |
"large" or "normal" |
Size of an entry in a menu. For "large" entries the description value will be displayed. |
menu |
O2007, O2010 |
Integer |
Width of a gallery entry. |
gallery |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Defines the key tip for a control. It will be shown when pushing <ALT> (one to three characters). |
tab, ggroup, button, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, menu, splitButton, toggleButton, task, hyperlink, radioGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Label of a control. |
tab, group, button, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, labelControl, menu, splitButton, toggleButton, Backstage - tab, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group, category, task, hyperlink, radioGroup, radioButton, groupBox, taskGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
"horizontal" or "vertical" |
Specifies attributes that can specify a control's layout. |
Backstage: editBox, Button, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, labelControl, hyperlink |
O2010 |
"horizontal" or "vertical" |
Specifies the layout direction for the children controls. |
layoutContainer |
O2010 |
Integer |
Max number of characters to be entered in a text or combo box. |
editBox, comboBox |
O2007, O2010 |
Integer |
Number of rows in a gallery. |
gallery |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Defines the screen tip for a control. |
group, label, dialogBoxLauncher, button, splitButton, toggleButton, checkBox, editBox, comboBox, dropDown, gallery, menu, dynamicMenu |
O2007, O2010 |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum width of the Backstage - tab's second column in pixels. |
Backstage - tab |
O2010 |
Integer |
Specifies the minimum width of the Backstage - tab's second column in pixels. |
Backstage - tab |
O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Defines whether a picture will be shown for a control. |
button, toggleButton, editBox, combobox, dropDown, gallery, menu, dynamicMenu |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Defines whether a picture will be shown for an entry. |
comboBox, gallery |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Defines whether a label will be shown for an entry. |
dropDown, gallery |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Defines whether a label will be shown for a control. |
button, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, labelControl, menu, splitButton, toggleButton, taskFormGroup, Backstage - group |
O2007, O2010 |
"large" or "normal" |
Defines the size of a control. |
button, gallery, menu, splitButton, toggleButton |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
A string that defines the width of a control, e.g.: "wwwww". |
editBox, comboBox, gallery, dropDown |
O2007, O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
true = Hide built-in ribbons. |
ribbon |
O2007, O2010 |
"normal", "warning", "error" or "borderless" |
Specifies the Backstage - group style attributes. |
Backstage - group |
O2010 |
"normal", "borderless", or "large" |
Specifies the style attributes of a control. |
button |
O2010 |
String |
Defines the supertip of a control. This extended text will be shown below the screen tip. |
group, label, dialogBoxLauncher, button, splitButton, toggleButton, checkBox, editBox, comboBox, dropDown, gallery, menu, dynamicMenu |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Additional user-defined data for a control. |
tab, button, checkBox, comboBox, dropDown, dynamicMenu, editBox, gallery, labelControl, menu, splitButton, toggleButton, category, taskFormGroup, task, Backstage - group, layoutContainer, imageControl, hyperlink, radioGroup, groupBox, taskGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Specifies the target of an hyperlink control. |
hyperlink |
O2010 |
String |
Text of a editBox control. |
editBox |
O2010 TP |
String |
Title for menu separator. |
menuSeparator |
O2007, O2010 |
String |
Titel for Backstage - tab. |
Backstage - tab |
O2010 |
"true" or "false" |
Defines whether a control is visible. |
tab, group, label, button, separator, splitButton, Toggle Button, buttonGroups, checkBox, editBox, comboBox, dropDown, gallery, menu, dynamicMenu, command, category, taskFormGroup, task, Backstage - group, imageControl, hyperlink, radioGroup, taskGroup |
O2007, O2010 |
Mandatory content http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/ 2009/07/customui
O2007, O2010 |
For callback attributes see the Callbacks listing.