Backstage - ImageControl

Remark: All functions in this chapter refer to Access / Office 2010.    


The imageControl is used to show pictures.







The corresponding XML Ribbon file:

<customUI xmlns="">
   <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
       <!-- Ribbon XML -->
    <tab id="btab1" label="Label 1. Tab">
       <group id="myGroup" style="normal" label="Form Button:">
             <imageControl id="img1" imageMso="AppointmentColorDialog"/>
             <imageControl id="img2" image="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\CLIPART\PUB60\CORPH01035U.BMP"/>
   <button id="btnFast1" label="Label Backstage Button" imageMso="HappyFace" onAction="OnActionButton"/>

Attributes: enabled, id, idMso, idQ, image, imageMso tag, visible

     Callbacks: getEnabled, getImage, getVisible


You can also find this sample in sample database "Backstage View".

