Manipulate existing Access Ribbons


In Ribbon XML you have the option to replace existing Access Ribbon functionality with user-defined commands, see section <commands>.

Following example illustrates how to replace the Access functions "Cut" and "Copy".

Cut / Paste - Access Tab Home

Sample Ribbon XML file:

<customUI xmlns="">
        <commands idMso="Cut" onAction="CallbackCut"/>
        <commands idMso="Copy" onAction="CallbackCopy"/>

Here you can find the description on how to identify idMso of Access controls.

Clicking one of the buttons will now execute the appropriate callback. The same happens on ExcecuteMso.


Contents of module "basCallbacks":

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub CallbackCut(control As IRibbonControl, _
                ByRef bolCancel As Boolean)
    MsgBox "Cut"
    bolCancel = True
End Sub
Sub CallbackCopy(control As IRibbonControl, _
                 ByRef bolCancel As Boolean)
    MsgBox "Copy"
    bolCancel = True
End Sub


You can find this sample in Sample DB 1