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(firstColumn and secondColumn)

Remark: All functions in this chapter refer to Access / Office 2010.  

You can define up to two Colums in a Backstage - Tab "Container".

Between the Columns Tag you can define how to use the content.

In firstColumn one taskFormGroup or one or more taskGroup or Backstage - group can be defined.

In secondColumn one or more taskGroup or Backstage - group can be defined.









The corresponding XML Ribbon file:

<customUI xmlns="">
   <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
       <!-- Ribbon XML -->
    <tab  id="btab1" label="Tab Label 1. ">
        <taskGroup id="MytskGroup1" label="Label taskGroup 1. Column" helperText="Helpertext for 1. Column"/>
        <group id="myGroup21" label="Label 1. Group" helperText="Style:= normal"  style="normal"/>
        <group id="myGroup22" label="Label 2. Group" helperText="Style:= warning" style="warning"/>
        <group id="myGroup23" label="Label 3. Group" helperText="Style:= error" style="error"/>
        <taskGroup id="MytskGroup2" label="Label taskGroup 2. Column" helperText="Helpertext for 2. Column"/>
        <group id="myGroup21" label="Label Group" style="error"/>
    <button id="btnBackstage1" label="Label Backstage Button" imageMso="HappyFace" onAction="OnActionButton"/>


Attributes: -

 Callbacks: -

You can also find this sample in sample database "Backstage View".


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