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Keytips in Ribbon Controls

Keytips are access keys / keyboard shortcuts that enables you to access a ribbon control. You can activate the keytips by pressing [Alt] on your keyboard. Thereby under each control on the ribbon a control tip with the corresponding keytip will be shown.

If you don't assign a keytip to a ribbon control then Access respectively Office uses its own keytip for the control.

A keytip consists of up to 3 characters and may contain the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-Z (capital letter) in any combination.
A keytip must be unique for all tabs.
A control keytip must be unique for all controls on a tab.

You can add a keytip to a ribbon control by using the attribute "keytip".


 <tab id="tab0" 
   <button id="btn0" 
           label="Button 0" 
           keytip="BTN" />


  • Some keytips for tabs are dedicated to be used by Access itself.

For the German and English version of Access I have ascertained the following tab keytips are unavailable
(These will be replaced by Access / A collection of sample databases for testing can be found here:  Download)

English Access Version:

startFromScratch=false, single letter as keytip

Runtime simulation (extension .accdr), two letters for each keytip

ribbon startFromScratch



 Accdb (single letter as keytip) 

 E, F, T, V, Y

 A, C, E, F, H, T, V, X, Y 

 Accdb (two letters for each keytip) 

 E, T, V

 E, T, V

 Runtime simulation:

 Accdr  (single letter as keytip)



 Accdr  (two letters for each keytip)   




German Access Version:

startFromScratch=false, single letter as keytip

Runtime simulation (extension .accdr), two letters for each keytip

 ribbon startFromScratch



 Accdb (single letter as keytip) 

 A, B, D, X, Y

 A, B, D, E, K, L, R, X, Y

 Accdb (two letters for each keytip) 

 A, B, X

 A, B, X

 Runtime simulation:

 Accdr  (single letter as keytip)



 Accdr  (two letters for each keytip) 




  • A keytip can not be assigned to a Ribbon Group.
  • A keytip can not be assigned to a Gallery-Item.
  • A keytip can not be assigned to a DropDown-Item.
  • A keytip to a Menu/SplittButton -Control (Button, ToggleButton, Checkbox, Menu-Control on a menu) can be assigned using  keytip="ABC",
    but it will not be used. The same behavior applies to a button on a gallery control.
Tip: To assign a control tip for such a control, place a "&" on the label in front of the shortcut.
label="My &Label"

In XML replace the sign "&" with "&#38;":
label="My &#38;Label"

This will show the ribbon control with an underlined "L". If the [Alt] key is pressed the control tip appears as an "L".

If you only want to show the "&", and not use it as a shortcut key,double the sign:
label="One &#38;&#38; One results &#38;2"

As a result you get the control labeled : "One & One results 2"
The number "2" is shown underlined and is used as access key.

A sample can be found here: Download



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