Backstage - group
Remark: All functions in this chapter refer to Access / Office 2010.
In a Backstage - group areas with headlines and borders can be defined.
A Backstage - group can hold one of the following items:
• topItems
If you want to use all elements you have to define them in this sequence in Ribbon XML.
For each Group a style can be defined.
Following Style types are available:
• |
normal |
Font color of headline: Black |
• |
warning |
Font color of headline: Yellow/Orange |
• |
error |
Font color of headline: Red |
The corresponding XML Ribbon file:
<customUI xmlns=""> <ribbon startFromScratch="false"> <!-- Ribbon XML --> </ribbon> <backstage> <tab id="btab1" label="Tab Label 1. "> <firstColumn> <taskGroup id="MytskGroup1" label="Label taskGroup 1. Column" helperText="Helpertext for 1. Column"/> <group id="myGroup21" label="Label 1. Group" helperText="Style:= normal" style="normal"/> <group id="myGroup22" label="Label 2. Group" helperText="Style:= warning" style="warning"/> <group id="myGroup23" label="Label 3. Group" helperText="Style:= error" style="error"/> </firstColumn> <secondColumn> <taskGroup id="MytskGroup2" label="Label taskGroup 2. Column" helperText="Helpertext for 2. Column"/> <group id="myGroup21a" label="Label Group" style="error"/> <secondColumn/> </tab> <button id="btnBackstage1" label="Label Backstage Button" imageMso="HappyFace" onAction="OnActionButton"/> </backstage> </customUI>
Attributes: helperText,id, idMso, idQ, insertAfterMso, insertAfterQ, insertBeforeMso,
insertBeforeQ, label, showLabel, style,tag, visible
Callbacks: getHelperText, getLabel, getShowLabel, getStyle, getVisible
You can also find this sample in sample database "Backstage View".