You are here: Home > Access - Ribbons > Ribbon XML / Controls > Grouping of Ribbon Controls
Grouping of Ribbon Controls
Sample Ribbon XML file:
<customUI xmlns=""> <ribbon startFromScratch="false"> <tabs> <tab id="MyTab" label="My Tab"> <group id="MyGroup" label="Horizontal"> <box id="myBox1_h" boxStyle="horizontal"> <button id="MyButton1a_h" label="Button 1a"/> <button id="MyButton2a_h" label="Button 2a"/> </box> <box id="myBox2_h" boxStyle="horizontal"> <button id="MyButton1_h" label="Button 1"/> <button id="MyButton2_h" label="Button 2"/> <button id="MyButton3_h" label="Button 3"/> </box> </group> <group id="MyGroup2" label="Vertical"> <box id="myBox1_v" boxStyle="vertical"> <button id="MyButton1a_v" label="Button 1a"/> <button id="MyButton2a_v" label="Button 2a"/> </box> <separator id="MySeparator"/> <box id="myBox2_v" boxStyle="vertical"> <button id="MyButton1_v" label="Button 1"/> <button id="MyButton2_v" label="Button 2"/> <button id="MyButton3_v" label="Button 3"/> </box> </group> <group id="MyGroup3" label="without"> <button id="MyButton1a_o" label="Button 1a"/> <button id="MyButton2a_o" label="Button 2a"/> <button id="MyButton1_o" label="Button 1"/> <button id="MyButton2_o" label="Button 2"/> <button id="MyButton3_o" label="Button 3"/> </group> </tab> </tabs> </ribbon> </customUI>
Attributes: id, idQ, insertAfterMso, insertAfterQ, insertBeforeMso,
insertBeforeQ, visible
Callbacks: getVisible
You can find this sample in Sample DB 1